We gotta feeling!
We hope that you all feeling good and having a great time and miss us like hell! He he he...
We are studing hard and now we are working on our raport about Youth Summit 2010. We are going to write what we felt during the week in Kolmården and how we planned, and et.c.
We are also duing alots of other things i school and soon it is our time to shine!
2th June we are going to put our white hats on and sing beautiful song out loud!
We made it, we are done!
Now we gonna start living!
Kiss and Hug
Our love to you
dance for your life
Well, just as me mate said, it´s a bit sad that everything´s over. We´re talking about a reunion, everybodys is ofcourse welcome, just come to sweden in a short while, well we´ll see what happens. But i do for sure wished that everyone could join us, mucho love to you!
time to play
It sad that we not going to drive to Vildmarkshotellet today. One week ago it was pepole who spoke in the Delfinarium and delfins had a awsome show. We wanna do it all over again, we had the best projekt ever!
Now we are going to play som fotball at school, outside in the lovely wether, somting that we missed last week!
Keep reading and we will keep updating!
Laaater alligator!
jump, jump, jump
And then it was time for the last dance this Youth Summit. It really was party on the dancefloor, good work everyone! We even got the chance to see an amazing perfomance, wait and see
Now we´re back in buisness
We have slept a lot now and we are all finally getting our lust back. What can i say? I thought that the dinner this thursday was fantastic but i was also a bit sad, probably we will never get the chance to see you again so we really want to wish you the best best best!
We will contuning to put up pictures on the blogg, and if you want to see even more:
Ad us in facebook.com, Search for: Projekt Grupp.
If you do ad us as a friend in facebook, you will also get the opportunity to ad all the others who spent this week in Sweden, so dont be shy! Here comes some more pictures, BIG HUG FROM US!
We start with some pictures from the dinner
Crazy night and a goodbye
We will be back with more, so come back later!
At the spa
Now we are back after a nice time at the spa. We have bubbel and swim. Now we look at TV and take a power nap. Soon we are going to get ready for tonight when the big dinner is. We look forward to it, and to the disco!
Tonight the Haga crow gonna rock on the dancefloor!
In our head
Now we have eaten breakfast. It was really good and we did enjoy it!
09.00 it was time for the members to go outside in the cold, snowing(!?!) weather to do some workshops. How is it posible that it is snowing the 22 april? Strange we think and NOT funny. We want sun! We followed group 1 and 2 and there workshop was inside, thank god, and they had treasurehunt.
Now we are going to work on our raport and after lunch is our time to realex in the spa. We have heard that we are going to do some workout at a spinbicycle. he he he...
Finale countdown
God morgon everyone!
The alarm woke us up by 7´clock and here we are, almost done! We´re fast, Sanna and Josefin! We both hope for an wonderful breakfast and we also hope that the other ladies have gotten up, thought the long night.
Yes yesterday we had a really nice time, talking about our lives and ate some candy and ofcourse OLW, sorry i didn´t mean to do any advertising here. We´re bringing the camera to the breakfast so watch out!
/ Josefin&Sanna
Love knocks you down
Hey everyone!
Sumoebrottning was a totally hit and yes there where many crazy hites, but why complain? It is a part of the whole game. This was out last night in work and we´re all very proud of our work and as far as we now the guest are also very pleased with our work! That´s was acutally out goal, and thank you for that!
Unfortnatually Johanna has go home for the evening since she had a headache, we wish the best for her and hopefully she´ll join us tomorrow with her new strenght!
Britta was to a visit today and it seemed like she had a good time! Tomorrow we will finally we´ll join everyone for the brakfast, that we ofcourse are in the same class as the rest of the food. Then Swe two will follow the rest of the peolple to takes some photos! Than we will spend some awesome time in the SPA, lovely stuff! So everyone, party like a rockstar!
Forget about your girlfriend and meet us at the hotel
We are happy to see that the number of you readers have increased during the week and we want to welcome the new people that reads our blog. The students have visited the town of Norrköping today and we (the girls in the red t-shirts ;) just arrived to the hotel where we have got four rooms for the night, as you understand the rooms are very nice and comfortable, just like we want it.
Elin at the computer!
Kiss and Hug
On it again
Linnea on a guitar, dare you to challenge her?
Anytime now Lina, Malin J and Johanna is arriving to Vildmarkhotellet. We other are going to school for a lesson and then we´re coming out to "the place to be". We are also brinning a surprise and hopefully you´ll like it maybe challenge someone on a hard wrestling, sound´s intresting? See you tonight people!
Tuesday was a very good day and we hope for more laughts and fun tomorrow, right everyone?
GODNATT as we say in sweden!
Awesome stuff
Now people are getting to know eachother and yes, the mood is very pleasant! We girls arrived around five o´clock in the afternoon and had a little meeting in our group. Marie- Louise was on a very nice visit and remember, never blame it on the trainee.
We ate some awesome once again, they seriously never let us down and thank you for that Vildmarkhotellet! We started the movie Kung-fu panda, the gameroom and ofcourse the first disco was to take place in the "basement", hm what about the dancing? Nej we'll need to practise on that one, every one of you student should shake even more on the dancefloor, in fact everyone can dance, no excuse!
We'll i think that i should keep this ratter short, and yea, enjoy the pictures!
That's all for now,
thank you and goodnight!
/ Josefin&Sanna
Monday evening
Hello our friends!
Ikväll har det varit fullrulle och många bollar i luften. Spelen har varit eftertraktade vilken är jätte skoj! Vi fick öppna spelhörnan tidigare och folk verkade trivas riktigt bra. De gav även förslag på mer spel som vi ska försöka fixa tills imorgon. Fyra av oss tjejor har även varit "badvakter". Det vill säga kolla så rätt person är i bassängen som ska. Man ska kryssa för på en lista när de kommer in så det var skoj! "spa-avdelningen" som detta kallas är hur fräscht som helst och stort! Det tyckte deltagarna var mycket roligt. Filmen Twilight visades i Bio salongen och folk snackade , skaffa nya vänner och hade det trevligt. Har hört att hela dagen varit jätte uppskattad både för deltagare, ledare, lärare samt organisatörer.
Vi har iallafall haft jätte kul!!!
Cred till vildmarkshotellet med deras kanon bra service och underbart goda mat!!
Pic from the evening